New Years Goals

 Happy New Year!

 I try to do this every year - set goals in writing for the new year. So I was all ready to do this then I was upset by a friend last night and it totally messed me up so I had to rethink alot!

So here are my goals for this year.

1. Reach and maintain a healthy weight.
2. Excercise on a somewhat regular basis.
3. Be more organized.
4. Save money AKA Mission get out of this house!
5. Submit to mags once a quarter at least.
6.Menu plan and eat healthier.
7. Evaluate all aspects of my life and really decide if they are positive or not.




  1. good luck to you...putting goals in writing and cking progress frequently is a big step to achieving that goal...i am cheering you on!!!

  2. Tessa,

    I hope you had a great New Year! Good luck with your goals for 2011. I am looking forward to seeing your creations.

  3. I am right there with you on #3 and #7 - we can do it!!


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Who is the Krafty Mama?

Hi I'm the Krafty one! :) I'm the Queen to 2 little knights and a sweet princess. I married my knight in shining armor (kevlar) over 8 years ago and I am a REAL mom, wife and substitute teacher trying to be the best I can be! I love "krafting" but tend to buy more supplies than I actually use. I love make up, nail polish, hair products and fashion but have been known to leave the house in sweats a messy bun and no make up! I love to cook and bake but am guilty of feeding my kids McDonalds in a pinch. I love direct sales and have joined too many to mention! I would love to get to know you!

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