It's that time again! Monday Made it with 4th Grade Frolics!

And it's August! Really?!?!? How did that happen? I have two weeks from today until my little darlings walk through those doors on the first day of school! OMG!
First up I have had this 3 drawer organizer just sitting on a top shelf in my room for 4 years now with pretty much random crap in it! So inspired by all the MMI and pinterest posts here is mine! I went with Next week instead of Grade cause if I don't grade every night I'm a gonner!
Next up this adorable all about Me Pennant Banner thing. My room is full of these so I thought this was perfect for our back to school all about me sheet! I will hang these up after we finish them! And they will go great with my room! I originally found this on pinterest and it was on TPT but in true Krafty Mama fashion I had to "tweak it a bit" aka redo the whole thing to my crazy satisfaction.

Next we have this cutie patootie transportation list - a part of my teacher binder! I have one in there and I printed a second one to laminate and put by my door! love it! IN my TPT store HERE too!
And finally my Super Improvers Wall! I will be doing a whole post on this once I get it finished but I got it MADE as in printed out and now I am trying to decide what to matte it on - Thinking black chevron and then black cardstock but I am not sure! What do you think? Oh and I love the little poster I made to go with it! I found that idea on pinterest! I love the concept of "the only fair race is the one you race against yourself" and think it's PERFECT for the super improver wall and hopefully my kiddos GET IT!
That's all for today! I have so many more things in the works it's crazy!
Find Joy in the Journey!
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