I recently posted on Facebook looking for a new mascara. Mascara is one of my biggest makeup challenges! I have short, thin lashes, they used to be blonde tipped too but I think I finally stained them I have been using mascara so long! I am always on the look out for a good mascara!
My lashes have become more plentiful I think since I started using lavender oil in my mascara! But that's a different story!
My friend Heidy messaged me and offered to send me a set of Younique Fiberlash in exchange for a blog review and hosting an online Facebook party. Of course I said yes!!!!
In this post I will review Younique and compare it to other top Mascara brands.
Heidy sent me a new package of the Fiberlash. It comes in an eyeglass type case, which is very nice. It has two tubes.
1) the Transplant gel and 2) the fibers
It says to apply a thin coat of your mascara to start. Then apply the transplant gel and while still wet apply the fibers and then seal with another coat of transplant gel. So you want to do one eye at time to ensure that you apply the fibers before the transplant gel dries.
Please ignore the bags under my eyes!!! I didn't have any other eye make up or liner on so you can truly see the lashes!
The top picture is no mascara - see I have like NO eyelashes!
The middle is one coat of Guerlain Mascara which is one of the pricier, better quality mascaras out there!
The bottom is the Younique 3-D Moodstruck Fiber Lashes!
I was super impressed with the length and fullness! You can clearly see that they are MUCH longer and fuller than the middle picture! I have read that a lash separator can help with any clumping which some people have noticed. My first time applying I noticed there was some fall out I had fibers on my cheeks. I think that was due to the product being new and my inexperience. I only did one coat on the bottom lashes and I would agree with others that you don't want to get to close to the waterline to keep the fibers from getting in your eyes. After my second and third applications I can say with certainty multiple light layers is better than thicker layers!
Here is a close up of my eyes all done up! Look at all those freckles and spots! Oh my! I am on the look out for a product to help with all that! Maybe I can get something with my rewards!
And a silly selfie! I am really having fun with this mascara!
So I would say definitely buy!
They're Real by Benefit
Bad Gal Lash by Benefit
Guerlain Mascara
all pale in comparison to Younique's 3D Moodstruck Fiber Lashes!
I would still like to try Tarte's Fiber Lashes to see if they can beat this one but I doubt it!
Check back to see what I get with my rewards and a comparison to Tarte!
If you would like to check out Younique 3D Fiberlash Mascara please visit my friend Heidy's website www.youniqueproducts.com/Glamlashesnow
Disclosure - Heidy is my friend and she gave me the mascara free for hosting an online party and I earned rewards. All opinions are my own and I only say what I truly believe and promote products I truly love and believe in!
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