Oh goodness! I only recieved my Young Living Starter Kit a few days ago and I am already ALL IN! These oils are AMAZING!!!
Here is what we have already used them for!
Lemon - put in my water to flavor it to help me drink more water (I hate water). Tastes great!
Purficiation - this might be my favorite! I put it on cotton balls and put it in my oldest's stinky shoes! Put a drop in the trash can when we change it, put a drop in the stinky towel load - stink gone!, put in on a ZIT that was starting one night (it was gone the next morning).
Frankinscense - I am hoarding this one but I have been using it on my skin tags, and dark circles!
Joy - another fave - love the smell! I diffuse it in the mornings to start our day off right and rub it over my heart and the kiddos!
Thieves - my husband (who is the biggest skeptic) has been all stuffed up and we all know men are the biggest babies! He has just been sniffing this from the bottle and it is helping clear his nose!
PanAway - As you saw from my previous post this was one of the biggest sellers for me and my headaches! Still love it!
Peppermint - not a fan of this smell but diffused with lemon is helping our stuffy noses! Can't wait to try it with lemon and lavender for my allergies!
Peace and Calming - This is my savior! I use this on the kids all the time! Before we go into a store, out to dinner and at bedtime with lavender!
Stress Away - I use this one to help ME sleep! I love it in the bath tub too!
Lavender - This is our sleepy time oil! Mixed with Peace and Calming helps my kiddos calm down and get ready for bed! So many fewer fights about bedtime when I start diffusing this about 7:00!
Valor - The anti snoring magic oil! No joke! My husband snores like a freight train! He says I snore too but mine is more I can't breathe cause of my allergies! LOL! I MADE him use this and sure enough his snoring was reduced to next to nothing - I believe with continued use it will eliminate it!
Tips when you first start using essential oils:
1. Start with WAY less than it says! The first night I diffused Peace and Calming I used the 8 drops it said and my husband threw a fit and said it gave him a headache. So I would say start with 2!
2. Read the bottle directions! Many of the oils need to be diluted with a carrier oils such as grapeseed oil, or coconut oil.
3. Do some research and make sure the oils you are using are 100% pure! The FDA only requires 5% oil for it to be labeled "pure"! This is why I chose Young Living!
For more information about Essential Oils check out my oil page HERE!
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Find Joy in the Journey,
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