Here are my 4 things I am loving this week!
TGI Bedhead's Rockaholic Dirty Secret Dry Shampoo. I have had it awhile but hadn't used it. I was afraid if it didn't work I would still have to wash my hair. But last Saturday I decided to try it figuring I could still wash my hair if I needed to. It worked GREAT. I read several tips on pinterest and followed them. It absorbed all the oil in my hair and gave it some nice texture (which I usually don't have).
2. Actual phone/in person conversations with friends! I miss my Savannah friends, especially today because it's homecoming. So I stopped by last Monday to see one of them, and talked on the phone, actually talked not text with one of them the other day. We are planning a girls scrapbook night soon! I need to get down and see my friend Cheri soon too!
3. Perfectly Posh's Bubble up Mix-It
It makes the BEST bubble bath and the bubbles LAST! They have some other great Mix Its as well!
4. Jicama
The St. Joseph school district (where my kids go this year and I am currently subbing) has a new food service provider and twice a week they have fresh fruit or vegetable snacks. This week one of the snacks was fresh, raw, jicama. I had kinda forgotten about it. I first had it over 15 years ago at a Mexican restaurant I used to work at called Rio Bravo. It is yummy! Kinda a cross between an apple and a potato. It is used in all kinds of recipes and can be made into fries or chips.
What are you loving this week?
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